
Walking around the pond in Haderslev

En gåtur rundt om Haderslev Dam

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Walking around the smaller pond in Haderslev; Rebecca, Monica, Beth

Walking around the smaller pond in Haderslev, Sankt Severin kirke

Walking around the smaller pond in Haderslev

Walking around the smaller pond in Haderslev

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Sankt Severin kirke, Haderslev

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Haderslev cathedral

Map of downtown Haderslev

Map of downtown Haderslev


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Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)